Law is our conscious choice, profession and mission.

Implementation of projects of public importance is a result of our team’s conscious need for rewarding the corporate sphere in which we have been working for 27 years and adding value for public benefit with the knowledge and experience we have, to be more useful to others, because this gives us satisfaction and greater meaning in life.

We are convinced that changes happen with the small actions of each of us, and non-governmental organizations are an engine for creating new policies and developing society.

“We believe that together we can do more and the good must be inspired!”

Every day is unique and it depends on us how we will fill it with content!

That is why, on our day, we want to be a part of a child’s smile, to protect the rights of vulnerable people, to assist in changes in the education of Bulgarian children, the development of culture and a better future for our country.

This is our motivation for Toncheva & Partners Law firm to become a co-founder of the “Institute for Sustainable Development of Law Foundation”, and Att. Yanita Toncheva – of For the “Rights and Development of Children Foundation”.

From the responsible business roadmap we have adopted as our mission:
  • contribution to quality education
  • increasing the legal culture of young people and businesses
  • contribution to the sustainable development of small and medium-sized businesses in Bulgaria in accordance with ESG goals
  • we add value to the development of Bulgarian law, civil society, children’s rights and Bulgarian culture

„Правната грамотност на младите хора е изключително важна за пълноценното им включване и участие в социалния живот. Действащата образователна система не осигурява достъпно и практически насочено познание в областта на правото“,

каза ръководителят на проекта адв. Янита Тончева от Фондация „Институт за устойчиво развитие на правото“.

What are we doing?

We are the initiators of the project “The practice and legal framework for early childhood development in the Republic of Bulgaria”

In the context of the “Recommendation of the EU Council for high-quality systems of education and care in early childhood” in partnership with the For Our Children Foundation (financed under the Operational program “Good Governance” with the financial support of the European Social Fund) in the period 2019-2020.

*All products from the project can be found on the Foundation’s website: See more

We created the first Law Firm for teenagers

With this, we started the process of acquiring basic and practical legal knowledge by the youth in the upper secondary school class by creating 18 legal educational videos in 12 areas of law and a digital brochure to accompany them..

We have selected current and significant topics in our daily life, such as:

  • how to protect my violated rights;
  • what are the administrative violations and penalties;
  • how to conclude and terminate an employment contract;
  • contract for order, sale, rent, loan, credit, etc.;
  • what protection do I have as a consumer;
  • how to register a merchant;
  • how to acquire а real estate, etc.

On the You Tube channel you can find free unlimited access for all is provided: See in You Tube

The digital brochure contains each of the legal topics developed in a synthesized form with links to the video content. The brochure is available at the following link: Digital broshure

*The “I already know my rights and I can do-it-myself” project, financed under the OPGG 2014-2020, with the financial assistance of the European Social Fund, is aimed at increasing the legal culture of young people aged 15-19. See more

We carried out a project* for the regulation of informal/alternative services for early childhood education and care:

  • We conducted an in-depth study of good practices, legislation and funding models in the Netherlands, France and Hungary and in the Republic of Bulgaria for the provision of informal services for children in the community.
  • We prepared a legal analysis of the regulations, proposals for amending the normative framework and recommendations related to the models for the provision of informal services.

*Project No. BG05SFOP001-2.025-0212 entitled “Early child development – shared care and responsibility of society”, implemented by the Foundation for Children at Risk around the World Foundation in partnership with the Institute for Sustainable Development of Law Foundation, financed under Operational “Good Governance” program: See more

Подкрепяме развитието на иновациите и предприемачеството

  • Участваме в обучението на основателите на стартъпи с пакет от лекции за:

    • основните правни положения при сключването, изпълнението и неизпълнението на търговските сделки,
    • видовете търговски сделки и обезпечения,
    • защита на интелектуалната собственост – регистрация на търговска марка, промишлен дизайн, патент и полезен модел,
    • защита на авторското право,
    • данъчно право.
  • Участваме като лектори в обучителните модули на:

    • Boot Camp на акселераторската програма ClimAccelerator Black Sea Bulgaria 2022;
    • Програмата на „Предприемачи в науката“ на Фондация „Карол Знание“.


  • Every year we make donations in favor of centers for children deprived of parental care and disadvantaged children and non-governmental organizations in the field of foster care.
  • We are partners of UNICEF-Bulgaria, For Our Children Foundation, SOS Children’s Villages.
  • Финансирахме онлайн пиесата „Другата в огледалото“, създадена по книгата на Явора Стоилова „Момичето, което нарисува анорексията“. Онлайн пиесата представя житейската история на талантливата художничка Василия Стоилова, която на 28 годишна възраст губи битката с анорексията. Затрогващият разказ на нейната майка и автор на книгата е пресъздаден от актьорите Елена Петрова, Ели Колева, Христо Чешмеджиев и Любомир
    Ковачев, режисьорски дебют на Елена Петрова.

Ден на отворените врати

  • Всеки месец  обявяваме дата, на която про-боно предоставяме консултации на граждани.

  • Специално внимание отделяме на жените и децата жертви на домашно насилие.

  • We refer the local and state authorities for irregularities committed by the administration and for the improvement of the urban environment.